Video Game Coding

Monday, March 24, 2014

Virtual Functions in C

NOTE: I've copied this blog post over to my new blog here. If you want to post comments, etc., please use the new location. Thanks!

A Motivating Discussion

A good friend of mine, Ken, has been giving interviews at his work, and expressed how many candidates struggled with basic questions about object-oriented programming in C++. He said they would be able to explain concepts like inheritance and polymorphism, but would choke when asked, for instance, "Why is the virtual keyword necessary? Why aren't all functions automatically virtual?".

There are a couple of valid answers to this question. One of them is related to software design: if a function is non-virtual in a base class, it cannot and should not be overridden in child classes. The other answer is related to performance: virtual functions are more costly to invoke than non-virtuals (via a base class pointer or reference). This second answer is one that interests me more because I believe many programmers don't really understand what makes virtual functions more costly.

When I first learned about virtual functions in C++, I remember being really impressed with this feature, because accomplishing something similar in C wasn't easy. A fairly simple form of polymorphism is possible in C by using structs of function pointers that would be set at runtime; good examples of these can be seen in Quake 2's source code (see client/ref.h) where they are used to polymorphically invoke rendering functions via OpenGL or the software renderer. However, to mimic C++ inheritance and virtual functions in C is another story.

I eventually read about how C++ compilers generate virtual function tables to implement virtual functions; and with that mystery solved, I happily coded in C++ for years. But since this recent discussion with Ken, I thought it might be fun, and perhaps instructive, to try and implement basic inheritance and virtual functions in C. Bjarne Stroustrup's first version of C++ was actually called "C with Classes" because he would first transform C++ code to C, then compile it with a regular C compiler. So I figured I could whip up a simple program in C that would show how virtual dispatch and inheritance could be implemented. I think understanding and being able to step through such code can give some insight into what the cost of virtual functions are.


The code is available on github:

There are two files: main.cpp which contains a simple test case in C++, and main.c which contains the equivalent implementation in C. Each can be compiled and run separately (tested: Visual Studio, GCC).

The base C++ sample (main.cpp)

The code in main.cpp is simple, declaring 3 classes Base, ChildOne, and ChildTwo:
class Base
    virtual ~Base();
    virtual void Func1();
    virtual float Func2(int arg1);
    int a;
    float b;
class ChildOne : public Base
    virtual ~ChildOne();
    virtual void Func1();
    char c;
class ChildTwo : public ChildOne
    virtual ~ChildTwo();
    virtual float Func2(int arg1);
    short c;
    short d;
ChildOne derives from Base, and ChildTwo derives from ChildOne. There are 3 virtual functions declared and implemented in Base: the destructor, Func1, and Func2. ChildOne overrides Func1, while ChildTwo overrides Func2. Both child classes implement a destructor as well.

All the functions are implemented the same way: they are simply stubs that output the name of the function. For example:
void Base::Func1()
In main, we declare a Base* pointer pBase, then proceed to instantiate each of the three classes, invoke the 2 virtual functions, and delete the instance:
int main()
    Base* pBase;
    pBase = new Base();
    delete pBase;
    pBase = new ChildOne();
    delete pBase;
    pBase = new ChildTwo();
    delete pBase;
The output from this sample is pretty straightforward:

Base::Func2 arg1=11


Base::Func2 arg1=12


ChildTwo::Func2 arg1=13

The main C++ features that this sample demonstrates are:
  • Inheritance: ChildTwo inherits from ChildOne, which inherits from Base, which means that ChildTwo's data members include those of its two bases.
  • Constructor Chaining: when constructing, say, a ChildTwo instance, we see that Base's constructor gets invoked, followed by ChildOne's, and then ChildTwo's.
  • (Virtual) Destructor chaining: destructors get automatically invoked in the opposite order of the constructors.
  • Virtual Functions (Polymorphism): the most derived implementation of a virtual function gets called depending on the type of the instance pBase points to. For example, on an instance of ChildTwo, we see that calling Func1 invokes ChildOne's version, while calling Func2 invokes ChildTwo's version.

Doing it in C (main.c)

Now for the interesting part: the implementation of the same C++ code, but now in C, which can be seen in main.c. First, let's take a look at the output from running an executable built from main.c to see that it is practically the same as that of main.cpp:

Base_Func2 arg1=11

Base_Func2 arg1=12

ChildTwo_Func2 arg1=13

Let's go through each of the C++ features I listed above and see how they are implemented in C:


In C, there are no classes, only structs; and structs can only contain data, and cannot inherit from another type. So the three "classes" are implemented as structs:
typedef struct
    void** vtable;
    int a;
    float b;
} Base;
typedef struct
    Base base; // This is how we "inherit" from Base in C to have the same memory layout
    char c;
} ChildOne;
typedef struct
    ChildOne base; // This is how we "inherit" from Base in C to have the same memory layout
    short c;
    short d;
} ChildTwo;
The important part is how ChildOne "derives" from Base by declaring a member of type Base as its first member, and ChildTwo "derives" from ChildOne in a similar fashion. This mimics how data gets laid out in memory for inherited types in C++, namely that data is laid out in the order its declared, starting from the most-base to the most-derived class. What this boils down to is pointers and address manipulation.

In C++, we can write the following:

ChildTwo* pChildTwo = new ChildTwo();
Base* pBase = pChildTwo;

We don't need to cast pChildTwo to Base* because semantically in C++, a derived type is-a base type. The fact that memory is laid out from base-most to child-most also means that the address of pChildTwo and that of pBase will be exactly the same. The compiler doesn't need to manipulate the address at all when assigning from child pointer to base pointer.

In C, by laying out the data to mimic C++, we can also assign from child to base, but must explicitly cast since the types are not actually related, like so:

ChildTwo* pChildTwo = NewChildTwo();
Base* pBase = (Base*)pChildTwo;

This type of explicit up-casting is done in many places in main.c.

Constructor Chaining

Constructors are special functions in C++ in that the compiler makes sure that parent constructors are invoked before child constructors up the chain. In fact, you can explicitly specify which parent constructor should be invoked via the initialization list of a child constructor:

Child::Child() : Base()

In C, there is no way to specify implicit function chains, so to mimic this behavior we must explicitly invoke the parent constructor from the child constructor before initializing any data:
void Base_Construct(Base* pThis)
    pThis->vtable = g_allVTables[CLASS_BASE];
    pThis->a = 0;
    pThis->b = 0.f;
void ChildOne_Construct(ChildOne* pThis)
    ((Base*)pThis)->vtable = g_allVTables[CLASS_CHILDONE];
    pThis->c = 0;
void ChildTwo_Construct(ChildTwo* pThis)
    ((Base*)pThis)->vtable = g_allVTables[CLASS_CHILDTWO];
    pThis->c = 0;
    pThis->d = 0;
As can be seen, the two child classes, ChildOne and ChildTwo, invoke their parent constructor first. You may be wondering about the setting of the 'vtable' member; ignore it for now as I cover this later on.

Another important difference from their C++ counterparts that you may have noticed is how these constructors take a member named 'pThis'. In C++, all non-static member functions, including the constructor, can access other members of the class explicitly using a pointer named 'this' (or implicitly by omitting the 'this' altogether). The way it works is that the compiler adds a hidden 'this' parameter to all member functions of a class that is a pointer to the type of that class; when a member function gets invoked, the compiler passes in the instance of the class to the function via this parameter. In C, we must expose this parameter in our member functions, and pass in the instance explicitly.

Virtual Functions

As far as I know, all C++ compilers implement virtual functions by using the virtual function table, or vtable, mechanism. If a class declares or inherits at least one virtual function, the compiler adds a hidden member that is a pointer to a vtable. The vtable is simply an array of pointers to virtual functions. The compiler generates a vtable per class, where each entry points to the most derived implementation of a virtual function for that class. To mimic all this in C, I do pretty much the same thing a C++ compiler does, except I do it at runtime.

First some useful type declarations:
typedef void (*Destructor)(void*);
typedef void (*Func1)();
typedef float (*Func2)(int arg1);
The two enums are used to index the vtable by class and function respectively. The typedefs are used to cast the generic void* pointer that contains the address of a function to the specific function type (more on this below).

I then declare a pointer that will point to a table of all vtables, one per class:
void*** g_allVTables = NULL;
I think this is the first time I've written a triple pointer myself ;) The reason we have a triple pointer here is simple: we use a void* to point to a single virtual function; a vtable is an array of these void* entries per class, so a void**; and finally, g_allVTables is a table of vtables, so void***.

Now to build our vtables, the very first function called in main is InitVTables():

First we allocate a table of 3 vtable pointers and store that in the global variable g_allVTables:
void InitVTables()
    int i;
    // We need a pointer to a vtable per class
    g_allVTables = (void***)malloc( sizeof(void**) * NUM_CLASSES );
Then we allocate each vtable - that is, 3 entries per table since we have 3 virtual functions:
    // For each class, we allocate vtable - in our case, it's simple as we have a fixed number
    // of virtual functions for each class.
    for (i = 0; i < NUM_CLASSES; ++i)
        g_allVTables[i] = (void**)malloc(sizeof(void*) * NUM_VFUNCS);

Finally, we populate the vtables by setting the most-derived version of the virtual function per class:
    // Populate Base vtable entries
    g_allVTables[CLASS_BASE][VFUNC_DESTRUCTOR] = (void*)&Base_Destruct;
    g_allVTables[CLASS_BASE][VFUNC_FUNC1] = (void*)&Base_Func1;
    g_allVTables[CLASS_BASE][VFUNC_FUNC2] = (void*)&Base_Func2;
    // Populate ChildOne vtable entries
    g_allVTables[CLASS_CHILDONE][VFUNC_DESTRUCTOR] = (void*)&ChildOne_Destruct;
    g_allVTables[CLASS_CHILDONE][VFUNC_FUNC1] = (void*)&ChildOne_Func1;
    g_allVTables[CLASS_CHILDONE][VFUNC_FUNC2] = (void*)&Base_Func2;
    // Populate ChildTwo vtable entries
    g_allVTables[CLASS_CHILDTWO][VFUNC_DESTRUCTOR] = (void*)&ChildTwo_Destruct;
    g_allVTables[CLASS_CHILDTWO][VFUNC_FUNC1] = (void*)&ChildOne_Func1;
    g_allVTables[CLASS_CHILDTWO][VFUNC_FUNC2] = (void*)&ChildTwo_Func2;
Now that we have our vtables built, we need to make sure instances of each class use them. Let's take a look again at how the Base "class" was declared:
typedef struct
    void** vtable;
    int a;
    float b;
} Base;
Notice there is a data member named vtable. Each instance of a Base, ChildOne, or ChildTwo will contain this member, and it must be set to point to the correct vtable for that class when the instance gets created. In C++, this happens when you invoke operator new like so:
pBase = new ChildTwo();
Operator new allocates memory for the object and invokes the constructor chain, which in turn sets up the vtable if necessary. To do this in C, we first write a function to instantiate, or "new", each type. Here's the one for instantiating ChildTwo:
ChildTwo* NewChildTwo()
    ChildTwo* pInstance = (ChildTwo*)malloc(sizeof(ChildTwo));
    return pInstance;
After allocating the memory for the instance, we invoke the class-specific constructor for ChildTwo. Let's take a look at that constructor again:
void ChildTwo_Construct(ChildTwo* pThis)
    ((Base*)pThis)->vtable = g_allVTables[CLASS_CHILDTWO];
    pThis->c = 0;
    pThis->d = 0;
Notice how after it invokes its parent constructor, ChildOne_Construct, it then initializes its vtable member by setting it to the corresponding class entry from the master table. ChildOne_Construct and Base_Construct are implemented in the same way, each one initializing the vtable member to its class-specific vtable after invoking its parent constructor (if one exists). This may seem a bit strange: why would the constructors each set the same vtable data member one after another? As it turns out, this mimics how things really work in C++; that is, within a constructor, if you try to invoke a virtual function, it will invoke the one for that class, and not the most derived implementation. This is because within a class Foo's constructor, the vtable is Foo's vtable for the duration of that constructorThis is why it's not recommended to call virtual functions from constructors.

If the previous paragraph on why the vtable member gets set in each constructor is a little confusing, don't worry too much. The most important thing to understand is that by the time all constructors have been invoked, the vtable member will correctly point to the most-derived class's vtable. In our example, the instance of ChildTwo that gets returned by NewChildTwo() will have it's vtable set to g_allVTables[CLASS_CHILDTWO].

We now have everything we need to be able to invoke these virtual functions polymorphically via a base class pointer. For instance, in main, we 'new' a ChildTwo and invoke the 2 virtual functions on it like so:
pBase = (Base*)NewChildTwo();               // pBase = new ChildTwo();
((Func1)pBase->vtable[VFUNC_FUNC1])();      // pBase->Func1();
((Func2)pBase->vtable[VFUNC_FUNC2])(13);    // pBase->Func2(13);
DeleteBase(pBase);                          // delete pBase;
To invoke Func1, we first look up the address of the function in the instance's vtable, pBase->vtable[VFUNC_FUNC1]. This evaluates to a void*, a pointer to the function we setup in InitVTables. We cast this pointer to a Func1 function pointer type so that we can invoke the function using the call operator (). You may recall that in InitVTables we set ChildTwo's VFUNC_FUNC1 entry in its vtable to point to ChildOne_Func1, which is the most-derived implementation of Func1 for ChildTwo; so that's the function that gets invoked. For similar reasons, the second call will invoke ChildTwo_Func2.

Virtual Destructor Chaining

In C++, the destructor for a type gets invoked when the instance gets destroyed via operator delete. If the type has a vtable, the destructor should be declared virtual so that the most derived destructor gets invoked. Similar to constructors, the destructors are automatically chained, except destruction happens in the opposite order: children before parents.

In my C code, the destructor is just another virtual function added to the vtables in InitVTables, for instance:
g_allVTables[CLASS_CHILDTWO][VFUNC_DESTRUCTOR] = (void*)&ChildTwo_Destruct;
The analog to operator delete is a single function used to delete all 3 class types:
void DeleteBase(Base* pThis)
    if (pThis != 0)
The invocation of the most-derived destructor is handled exactly the same way as for any virtual function. As for chaining destructors, we must do it manually within the destructor functions as we did for the constructors:
void ChildTwo_Destruct(ChildTwo* pThis)
Notice how the parent destructor, ChildOne_Destruct, is invoked last to mimic the C++-style chaining. ChildOne_Destruct, in turn, invokes Base_Destruct in a similar fashion.


With this very basic implementation of C++ in C, we can now see more clearly what the extra cost of invoking a virtual function is. With a regular function call, the compiler (or linker) already knows which function to call, so it simply outputs instructions to jump to the specific function address. On the other hand, invoking a virtual function requires 2 extra pointer dereferences, or lookups: first we dereference the vtable pointer to access the class-specific vtable, and then we dereference the function pointer for the function being invoked to get its address. So the compiler must output code to perform these two lookups, followed by the jump to the dynamically resolved function address.

On its own, two extra memory lookups may not seem very expensive, but they can be when they involve instruction cache misses. I'm not a computer architecture expert, but I do know that on certain platforms, instructions that cause a cache miss can cost orders of magnitude more cycles than an instruction which does not. So hopefully, this helps answer the question  "Why is the virtual keyword necessary? Why aren't all functions automatically virtual?".

Thanks for reading!

Special Thanks

Thanks to Fred, Ken, and Adamo for their helpful critiques and corrections. I would also like to thank everyone who posted on this blog and on reddit/r/programming for your many insightful comments! I've done my best to update and improve this post based on them.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

How to debug your NDS rom using the Visual Studio Debugger

I have been working on Zelda DS for over a year now, and have loved the experience of using the homebrew tools provided by devkitPro. However, as the project grew, I quickly started to miss using a source-level debugger to help me debug and fix problems in the code. There is a debugger that you can download as part of devkitPro named Insight; but it's a fairly finicky application, and is a far cry from the powerful debugger I'm used to using on a daily basis: the Microsoft Visual Studio debugger.

Well, the good news is, after much research and playing around, I found a way to use the Visual Studio debugger to debug homebrew NDS roms! I've decided to share these steps with you in this tutorial:


You must have the following software installed:

  • Visual Studio: A full copy of Visual Studio, not an Express edition, I use version 2008, but 2005 and 2010 should work fine. The reason it can't be the Express version of Visual Studio is that it does not support plugins, and the next requirement is a plugin...
  • WinGDB: This excellent plugin allows you to debug gcc compiled programs with gdb within Visual Studio. It's not free, however before you decide whether to purchase it, you can download a fully functional 30-day trial.
  • DeSmuME: The best DS emulator available, and the only one that implements a gdb stub that allows you to use gdb to debug an NDS rom. Thankfully, this piece of software is not only free, but open source as well!


Visual Studio Makefile Project

The first step is creating a Visual Studio Makefile project that simply invokes the makefile for your homebrew NDS application, and often includes the source files if you wish to use Visual Studio as an editor as well. There is an excellent tutorial on how to do exactly this right here:

The only difference in my setup is that I don't use no$gba as my emulator, but DeSmuME instead, which I discuss later. In any case, if you can at least build your rom from a Visual Studio project, you're good to go for the next step.

Compiling with Optimizations Disabled

In order to easily debug your NDS rom, you must disable compiler optimizations, otherwise you'll find that stepping through code will jump all over the place, and setting breakpoints won't always stay on the lines you set them. This is normal since the order of generated optimized code will often not match the order you specified in the source code.

The devkitPro templates for NDS applications enable optimizations by default. To disable them, open the Makefile, and find the line similar to:

CFLAGS := -g -Wall -O2\
-ffast-math \

To disable optimizations, you must minimally remove the -O2. Personally, I also remove the -fomit-frame-pointer and the -ffast-math to make sure I don't get wonky behaviour when stepping through code, but that may be overkill.

Once you've modified the Makefile, make sure to rebuild your rom. An incremental build will not work since no dependencies have changed.

As a side note, you'll probably want to reenable optimizations for your final NDS rom, especially if you notice a performance hit from having disabled them. Having to do this by manually editing the Makefile every time can be tedious. Personally, I made many modifications to the Makefiles that allow me to pass in a configuration (DEBUG or RELEASE), which modifies not only the compiler flags, but also the output folder for object files, and the name of the rom itself. I may post a tutorial on how to do this someday.

WinGDB Setup

Assuming you've installed Visual Studio and WinGDB correctly, you should see an menu entry for WinGDB in Visual Studio:

Select WinGDBPreferences, General tab, the only option you'll need to set is the Default debugger path to the arm-eabi-gdb.exe in your devkitPro installation, which in my case is "C:\devkitPro\devkitARM\bin\arm-eabi-gdb.exe":

Click OK to close the dialog. Now we need to set the project-specific properties for WinGDB. To do this, in the Solution Explorer, right-click on your project and select WinGDB → Properties:

Now set the following fields in the dialog that opens:

General tab, Target type: Embedded Linux system (gdbserver)

Debug tab:

Executable path: here you must set the path to the arm9 elf file that gets built for your application. The arm9 elf file contains the code, data, and debug information for the arm9 processor, and is usually what you're interested in debugging. Note that if you used the arm9 template from devkitPro (i.e. c:\devkitPro\examples\nds\templates\arm9), there should be only one elf file that gets built next to your nds file. However, if you used the combined template (i.e. c:\devkitPro\examples\nds\templates\combined), you'll find the elf file within the arm9 subfolder with extension .arm9.elf.

Stop in main(): yes (I find it useful, but it's really up to you)

Byte order: little endian

And finally, on the Target tab, set Target specification to: remote localhost:20000
What this value means is that we want gdb to connect to a remote gdb stub that is listening on the local machine's port 20000, which is what we'll set up DeSmuME to do.

Now click OK to save your settings. For the curious, these settings are saved in your project's .suo (user options) file.


Launch DeSmuME

Now it's time to debug your rom! The first step is to launch the development version of DeSmuME with a specific argument telling it to enable the gdb stub code and to listen on localhost:20000. For example, I run the following command:

c:\emus\desmume\DeSmuME_dev.exe --arm9gdb=20000 C:\coding\ZeldaDS\ZeldaDS_d.nds

A few things to note:

  1. You must use the "_dev" executable
  2. We specify that we want to debug the arm9 processor. You can instead specify arm7gdb as well if you wish (and set WinGDB to debug the arm7 elf file instead).
  3. The port number, 20000, must match the one set in WinGDB. You can change this value as long as the two match.
This will launch DeSmuME with a console window, and if all went well, the console should report that your nds was loaded succesfully, Emulation unpaused, and the main DeSmuME window should not yet be running your game. DeSmuME is effectively waiting for gdb to connect to it.

Note: since you'll be doing this often, it's a good idea to create a batch file that runs the above command line. What I did was add a an External Tool to the Tools menu in Visual Studio so that I can easily launch DeSmuME within the IDE.

Launch Visual Studio Debugger via WinGDB

With your project loaded in Visual Studio, from the menu select WinGDB → Start Debugging and if all goes well, Visual Studio should switch into debugging mode, and you should eventually break on the first line of main()!

From here, you can do pretty much anything you can normally do in the Visual Studio Debugger, which includes, but is not limited to:
  • Setting breakpoints (conditional, tracepoints, etc.)
  • Hovering over variables to see their values
  • Using the autos, locals, watch, memory and threads windows
  • Using the disassembly view to see your source code mixed with the assembly code that was generated
  • Setting a breakpoint at arbitrary locations while your application is running (this has never worked for me with other debuggers like Insight or Eclipse).


Phew, that was a little longer than I thought it would be, but hopefully this tutorial will help some of you debug your NDS applications more easily! If you have any problems, or if you feel certain parts of this tutorial could be more clear, don't hesitate to let me know.

Monday, January 17, 2011

A long awaited update

I can hardly believe that it has been nearly four months since I last posted; however, that does not mean I've been idle! Although progress on Zelda DS has been a little slower due to some changes in my personal life, it has been steady. I decided to put together a short video of Zelous, the editor, that shows off some of the major features I've added:

As you can see, it's becoming quite a full featured editor! Of course, along with many of these changes to the editor are related changes made to the game itself, such as warping between maps and having different tile sets per map. My next post, which I hope to make soon, will feature a video showcasing these latest additions to Zelda DS.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Video: Zelda DS - More Enemies and Map Warping

Once again, I've made lots of changes since the last post, but most are "back end" and not necessarily visible. However, what you can see is that there are now more enemy types that are spawned, and you can now enter a door and properly warp to a new map! You'll also notice that I "magically" warp back from the second map to the first - nope, it's not magic, this happens when I press the L and R shoulder buttons together.

I also managed to finally make the videos I upload to YouTube much higher quality! Enjoy...

I've also done some more work on Zelous (the editor) to support placing the enemy spawners on the map, but there's still more work to be done before I post a video about it. For instance, the door on the first map that warps you to the second is completely hard-coded; you can't place doors in Zelous yet.

By the next posting, I also hope to have the Download section setup so that people can download the latest version of Zelda DS and try it out, either in an emulator or on their actual DS using a storage device (i.e. R4).

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Video: Zelda DS - Enemy AI, Spawning, and More

It's that time again! It has been a while since the last video was posted, and I've made lots of changes since then. Here are the new things to pay attention to while watching the video:

- Fade in from black at start

- Music and sound: the music you hear is a piece written by Justus Johnston, written for the original Zelda PC we were working on back in 1998! As for sound, you will sometimes hear the sword swishing sound - I say "sometimes" because currently the music takes up way too many channels at times, which overrides the sound channels.

- Enemy AI: the Goriya walks around, stops and throws boomerangs, while the Rope (snake) slithers around, and upon seeing the player, bolts for her until it collides.

- Enemy Spawning: as I change from screen to screen near the end, you'll notice that for each screen, the same enemies spawn at the same place. This replaces the random spawning of enemies I was doing before.

- Collision Bounds: near the end of the video, I enable the rendering of collision bounds on tiles and sprites. One thing you'll notice is how the bounds for tiles only surround the top-half of the actual tiles (for example, the bushes); this is so that the player can move over the bottom half, giving a pseudo-3D look to the game.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Welcome Adamo!

I just want to let the millions who follow this blog know that Adamo, my brother, has graciously accepted to join me in making Zelda DS! He's taking over development of the game editor, Zelous, while I continue to focus on the game itself. He has already improved Zelous by adding undo/redo functionality, and the ability to see the actively selected tile! Welcome to the team, Adamo!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Video: Zelda DS - Editor to Game!

Lots of progress since the last post over a month ago! First thing is my Zelda DS editor, "Zelous", written in C#. It's very basic, missing a bunch of useful features (like undo, multi-tile select, and much more), but it works! Here's a video of the editor in action:

With the map saved, here's the game running the map:

Apart from being able to load the map, you may also notice that the water and waterfall are "animating". This is actually color rotation, where I rotate 4 palette values every 200 ms. Finally, this video also shows how the animated tiles for the ocean shore are synchronized across screens (I mentioned this in a previous post, but didn't show it).

More to come!